이 블로그 검색

2012년 3월 24일 토요일

Switching Network

1.Switching Network
  1. Circuit Switchnig Networks (ex. Telephone Network)
    • FDM
    • TDM
    • CDM
    • WDM
  2. Packet Switching Networks
    • Virtual Circuit Switching
      • connection-oriented Service
      • Header in packet includes VCI(Virtual Circuit Identifier)
      • Switch should maintain the circuit state information
    • Datagram Method
      • Each packet sent independently
      • Use Routing Table in Router
      • Typically IP(Internet Protocol)
    Statistical TDM
      • 회선 교환방식에서의 TDM의 단점을 극복.
      • 데이터를 전송하고자 하는 채널에 대해서만 슬롯을 유동적으로 배정한다.  즉, 사용자들의 필요에 따라 슬롯을 할당.
    • #Delay and Loss in Packet Switching Network# 
  3. Message Switching Networks
    • Use store & forward
    • Special case of the Packet switching network
    • Performance Evaluation
      • <Pors>
        1. Overhead in header reduced
        2. Inordered packet
      • <Cons>
        1. Store and forward Method spends much times than Packet Switching Networks 
        2. Retransmittion wastes bandwidth
참고 : 컴퓨터 네트워크  by 김성철교수

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